
an introduction to handle.fi protocol rewards

rewarding ecosystem participants for accretive actions is a critical component for any protocol design.

to that end, the handle.fi protocol contains a range of incentives intended to drive perps trading, fxToken creation, liquidity and exchange, and ongoing ecosystem stability.

rewards will generally be distributed to users through the ecosystem token; FOREX, with veFOREX forming a cornerstone of the protocol rewards program.

Initially, FOREX rewards may be distributed to participants for;

  • depositing collateral and minting fxTokens

  • trading or converting via the protocol

  • liquidity provision on hSP, hLP or external trading pools

  • fxKeeper liquidity pool stakers

  • governance pool participation via veFOREX

  • platform accretive actions via our PIEs and quests

  • protocol referral rewards program

  • FLI and TIPR

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