PIE #1 - retweets

retweet project tweets and earn rewards

status: PAUSED 0630 UTC 24/2 OPEN 10:00 UTC 22/2

social channel: twitter

action: verified retweet of approved tweet below 👇 + endorsement statement or link to https://app.handle.fi/trade + #tagmi #troopersunite #fxtokens + must tag in 3 additional users


  1. +20 $FOREX token reward for verified retweets on accounts < 250 followers (spam/bot abuse will be denied*)

  2. +50 $FOREX token reward for verified retweets on accounts > 250 followers.

MUST BE ACTIVE APPROVED TWEET active approved tweet: https://twitter.com/handle_fi/status/1628293166855258112?s=20

to be eligible for PIE #1 rewards;

  • single reward per user per tweet

  • must be approved and active tweet ONLY

  • must follow @handle_fi on twitter *accounts <250 followers will be approved by discretion to avoid bot and spam abuse.

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